【国際協力学研究科】学内研究発表会開催 | 大学院 | ニュース一覧 | 拓殖大学





Bhattarai Gopal Prasad, a Nepalese student enrolled in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, made two presentations this year since the COVID-19 prevented him from presenting his findings in the previous year.


Workshop on security attended by a large number of professors and graduate students.


Okubo Shinichi, 2nd year student of the Doctor's Course specializing in security, making a presentation.


発表者 事前に登録されたタイトル
バンダリ・ティカラム Postharvest losses of tomato in different supply chain system
バッタライ・ゴパール・プラサド Empowering Women by CDD (Community Driven Development) Projects in Nepal
バッタライ・ゴパール・プラサド Historical process towards the wide adoption of CDD (Community Driven Development) approach by World Bank to realize good governance in International Cooperation
諾 明 生態移民政策に基づく酪農経営の課題に関する一考察
管 政 日本における中国人留学生の変化に関する一考察
朱 暁斐 日本の雇用と労働市場
唐 貴玥 中国における食品安全問題に関する研究
李 氷西 小売業におけるアリババ経営戦略の変換


発表者 事前に登録されたタイトル
堀内 正隆 米国における超電導技術の研究開発に与えた政策の影響に関する一考察
大久保 伸一 停戦後における紛争の変容-朝鮮戦争及びベトナム戦争の事例から-
蔡 連璋 階級闘争史観から1960~1970年代日本新左翼運動の衰退を再考-闘争の方式から見る新左翼運動の実態-
高橋 秀行 博士論文進捗状況報告(仮称)新興技術覇権論-軍拡競争、軍事理論、新興技術-
村松 俊 正規及び非正規の武力集団の概念整理と定義(仮)

Research Findings Workshop
October 16, 2021
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies

An on-campus workshop on research findings by the Doctor's Course (Latter period) students was convened by Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies on October 16, 2021.The Doctor's Course is the latter half of Doctor's Program and all the students enrolled in the program aspire to receive a Ph. D. degree. This academic year, four students are applying for the degree and their evaluations are currently under way.

This workshop was attended not only by professors of the Doctor's Course but also by a large number of students, who all contributed to lively discussions.

International Cooperation Studies

Presenter Pre-registered Title of Study
Bhandari Tikaram Postharvest losses of tomato in different supply chain system
Bhattarai Gopal Prasad Empowering Women by CDD (Community Driven Development) Projects in Nepal
Bhattarai Gopal Prasad Historical process towards the wide adoption of CDD (Community Driven Development) approach by World Bank to realize good governance in International Cooperation
Nuo Ming Challenges dairy management based on the ecological migration policy faces
Guan Zheng An inquiry into changes in Chinese students studying in Japan
Zhu Xiaofei Employment and labor market in Japan
Tang Guiyue A study on the food safety issue in China
Li Bingxi Shift of Alibaba's business strategies in the retailing industry

Security Studies

Presenter Pre-registered title of study
Horiuchi Masataka Effects of government policies on research and development of superconductive technology in the United States
Okubo Shinichi Transformation of post-armistice conflict--case studies from the Korean and the Vietnam Wars
Cai Lianzhang Revisiting demise of Japan's New Left movement in the 1960s-70s from the viewpoint of the class struggle historical view--realities of the New Left movement as detected from its method of struggle
Takahashi Hideyuki Update on the Ph. D. dissertation: Theory of hegemony based on newly emerging technology--arms race, military theory, and newly-emerging technology (provisional title)
Muramatsu Shun Clarification and definition of the concept of regular/irregular armed forces (provisional title)