


試合は三段階で、まず別科生を男性8グループ、女性8グループに分け、各グループから優勝者を決定しました。次に、男性優勝者8名で男性決勝、女性優勝者8名で女性決勝を行いました。最後に、男女各上位4名計8名による総合決勝を行いました。(記念写真は入賞者と学部支援会学生)> カルタ大会では、日本語のレベル別クラスを超えて、カルタを一生懸命おぼえ、スピードを競いました。日本の伝統的な遊びを通して、別科生は笑顔で日本語を学べたようです。会場の設営、カルタの札読み、審判、そして表彰式は、学部支援会学生が担当してくれました。


The All Bekka "KARUTA TOURNAMENT 2019" in the class of Japanese Affairs for the purpose of interactive exchange among Bekka students, undergraduate students at Takushoku university, and homeroom teachers

In the second period on the 21st of November in 2019, international students in Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program, enjoyed KARUTA with the use of proverbs. Karuta is one of the Japanese card games. In this karuta game, a proverb is divided into the first half and the second half. The first half is written on the card "yomi-fuda", which is read aloud by undergraduate students who belong to the international-exchange activity circle, or homeroom teachers. The second half is written on the card, "tori-fuda", which is taken by Bekka students. There are 48 tori-fudas on each table surrounded by six or seven Bekka students. Right after the undergraduate students or homeroom teachers in charge of each group read aloud a yomi-fuda out of 48 at random, Bekka students in each group try to hit the one single correct tori-fuda, the second half of the proverb, as fast as possible. The first student who hits the right tori-fuda gets the card. The Bekka student who takes most in each group is the winner of the group. There were sixteen groups in total: eight groups for men and eight groups for women. Therefore, eight winners from men's groups and eight winners from women's groups become finalists (see one of the photos). Among the sixteen finalists, a final match is held.

The result was that the all Bekka champion and the women's champion is TAMANG MAYA (Nepal), and the men's champion is 梁 津瑞 (China). The other group winners are KALINKINA ARINA (Russia), 李 子 (China), 廖 紫亘 (Taiwan), 戴 琳 (Taiwan), DO HUYEN TRANG (Vietnam), TRINH GIA NGOC (Vietnam), 王 美惠 (China), 周 継財 (China), JOSHI RAM PRASAD (Nepal), 楊 千卜 (Taiwan), 蔡 昀辰 (Taiwan), 沈 瑞楓 (China), AGUNG KURNIAWAN (Indonesia), and HARITS ABDUSSALAM (Indonesia).

Regardless of the Bekka students' levels of Japanese proficiency, the group winners were students who had worked really hard to remember as many proverbs as possible. Bekka students enjoyed themselves at "KARUTA TOURNAMENT" together with undergraduate students and homeroom teachers, while learning Japanese language as well as culture. For this amazing karuta game, undergraduate students played extremely important roles as yomi-fuda readers, referees, presenters of the awards ceremony, and so on. We had a lot of fun!


入賞者と支援会学生 Winners and undergraduate students


カルタ会場 The event venue


男女総合決勝戦 The final game


グループ別試合 One of the games in the group