The Intensive Japanese Language Program at Takushoku University (Tokyo) held its Japanese Speech Contest 2019
12月5日(木)午後、E館 後藤新平・新渡戸稲造記念講堂において、別科生による日本語スピーチ大会が行われました。
最優秀賞 :アグン クルニアワン(インドネシア)「神様の不公平な恵み」
優秀賞 :ジョシ ラム プラサド(ネパール)「私の小学生時代」
リョウ シンズイ(中国)「中国と日本の教育 ~私の経験を通じて考えたこと~」
As part of quality Japanese Speaking classes, on Thursday afternoon, December 5, 2019, the Intensive Japanese Language Program, called Bekka in Japanese, at Takushoku University held its Japanese Speech Contest 2019 in the Goto Shinpei, Nitobe Inazo Memorial Hall at the Bunkyo Campus, Tokyo, Japan. This event is an opportunity for Bekka international students to perform and show their progressive development in their acquisition of the Japanese spoken language. From the program, 16 selected international students from six countries and with eight levels of Japanese (two from each level) presented speeches. The first half of the contest was for Bekka students with Japanese ability from N5 to N3 or the equivalent in Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), and the second was for those with N3 to N1 or the JLPT equivalent. Students' themes varied, including, for instance, Japanese society, culture, education, value for life, and cross-cultural understanding. Speech contents were embedded in their varied cultural backgrounds, so Bekka students in the audience listened and eagerly cheered their friends onstage. </em
First Prize: Agung Kurniawan (Indonesia) "An Unequal Blessing from God"
Award for Excellence: Joshi Ram Prasad (Nepal) "My Days at Elementary School"
Jury's Special Award :伊特格楽(China) "Why Did You Come to Japan?" / 梁津瑞 (China) "Education in China and Japan: What I Thought Throughout my Experience"
最優秀賞 アグン クルニアワン(インドネシア)
優秀賞 ジョシ ラム プラサド(ネパール)