【School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】Career Paths of Bekka Graduates in 2020,Type 1: University Admission Experience
【English】The Bekka program offers a variety of subjects as preparatory education for students to enter universities of their choice. In addition, there is a system unique to the Bekka, in which only outstanding Bekka students who meet the prescribed standards can be recommended for admission to the first year of undergraduate studies at Takushoku University. The following are testimonials from two of the students who were accepted to Takushoku University through the Recommended admission by the Bekka.
① リフキー ムハマド ハフィドさん
(高校卒業(インドネシア)→別科(2年)→2021年度 拓殖大学商学部国際ビジネス学科 入学予定(別科推薦))
外国人としては漢字を覚えるのが一番難しいだと思われますが、私にとっても漢字を覚えるのが難しいと思います。別科で日本語を勉強した当初は、確かに大変でした。 しかし、私は落胆せず、学習に熱心に取り組んでいました。一番印象に残っているのは教室で友達や先生と一緒に勉強したり、会話をしたりすることです。自分にとって、別科で特に印象にのこっている授業は会話の授業です。自分日本語力を向上させることができると思います。教室で日本語を学ぶだけではなく、教室の外で受講できるレッスンがたくさんあります。例えば、他の国の友達と一緒に遊んだり、会話をしたりした方がいいと思います。その場合は日本語しか話せませんので、日本語力を向上させることができると思います。4月から進学する拓大商学部国際ビジネス学科では、ビジネスコミュニケーションを勉強したいです。大学卒業後はインドネシアで自分の会社を作りたいんですが、単純なことではないので、大学院で勉強を続けたいと思います。
(High school graduate (Indonesia) → Bekka (2 year) → Expected to enter the Faculty of Commerce, Takushoku University in April 2021 (Recommended admission by the Bekka))
As a foreigner, it seems that the most difficult thing to learn is Kanji, and it was the same for me. When I first started studying Japanese at the Bekka, it was definitely difficult. However, I did not get discouraged and was eager to learn. What impressed me the most was studying and talking with my friends and teachers in the classroom. For me, the most memorable class was the conversation class, where I was able to improve my Japanese skills. In addition to learning Japanese in the classroom, there are many lessons that can be taken outside of the classroom. For example, I think you should hang out with your friends from other countries and have conversations with them. In that case, I can speak only Japanese, so I think it will help me improve my Japanese skills. I would like to study business communication at the Department of International Business, Faculty of Commerce, Takushoku University, which I will enter in April. After graduating from university, I would like to establish my own company in Indonesia, but it is not a simple matter, so I would like to continue my studies in graduate school.
①【Indonesian】Rifky Muhammad Hafidz
(Lulusan SMA (Indonesia) → Kursus Khusus (tahun ke-2) → Fakultas Perdagangan Universitas Takushoku, Jurusan Bisnis Internasional, dijadwalkan masuk 2021 (direkomendasikan oleh mata kuliah khusus))
Sebagai orang asing, sepertinya paling sulit untuk belajar kanji, bagi saya, saya rasa juga sulit untuk belajar kanji. Ketika saya pertama kali belajar bahasa Jepang di kursus bahasa jepang, sangatlah sulit. Tetapi saya tidak putus asa dan antusias untuk belajar. Hal yang paling berkesan adalah belajar dan mengobrol dengan teman dan guru di kelas. Bagi saya, kelas yang sangat berkesan bagi saya adalah kelas percakapan. Saya pikir saya bisa meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Jepang saya. Selain belajar bahasa Jepang di dalam kelas, ada banyak pelajaran yang bisa Anda ambil di luar kelas. Misalnya, saya pikir lebih baik bermain dan berbicara dengan teman-teman dari negara lain. Dalam hal ini, saya hanya bisa berbicara bahasa Jepang, jadi saya rasa saya bisa meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Jepang saya. Saya ingin belajar komunikasi bisnis di Departemen Bisnis Internasional, Fakultas Perdagangan, Universitas Takushoku, yang akan dimulai pada bulan April. Setelah lulus dari universitas, saya ingin memulai perusahaan saya sendiri di Indonesia, tetapi ini bukan hal yang mudah, jadi saya ingin melanjutkan studi di sekolah pascasarjana yang ada di Jepang.
② 李 多演(イ ダヨン)さん
(高校卒業(韓国)→別科(1.5年)→2021年度拓殖大学国際学部国際学科 入学予定(別科推薦))
②【English】LEE DAYEON
(High school graduate (Korea) → Bekka (1.5 year) → Expected to enter the Faculty of International Studies, Takushoku University in April 2021 (Recommended admission by the Bekka))
After graduating from high school (in Korea), I worked for half a year in Kangnam before enrolling in the Bekka. After I got used to living in Japan and my mind became stable, I started to think about Korean food, family and friends I wanted to see, and I felt lonely. Of course, I made a lot of friends in Japan, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I couldn't go back to my home country and became depressed more often. I found myself doing nothing but looking at my cell phone, eating fast food, etc. I realized that I couldn't stay like this, so I tried to find myself by studying. For me, the Bekka classes were a series of new and fun classes. It allowed me to discuss in Japanese with friends who had different ways of thinking and to exchange culture through language. Especially in the conversation class, when we had the time to express our thoughts on a topic, I was able to hear opinions that I never thought I would hear, and it gave me new eyes to see the world. In addition to looking at a wide range of issues, I would recommend that you make even the smallest things your own. Korean and Japanese have the same word order and many similar expressions, and if you get absorbed in studying while comparing them, you will find yourself enjoying studying in no time. In the future, I want to be a creator who plans and produces contents. While studying history, economics, and art of various countries at the Faculty of International Studies, my goal is to find content that fits the global world.
②【Korean】이 다연
(고교졸업(한국) - 타쿠쇼쿠 대학 별과 일본어교육과정(1.5년 코스) - 2021학년도 타쿠쇼쿠 대학 국제학부 국제학과 진학예정(추천입학) )
저는 한국에서 고등학교를 졸업 후 강남의 한 프랜차이즈 빵집에서 일을 하다가 타쿠쇼쿠 대학 별과 일본어교육과정에 입학했습니다. 일본 생활이 익숙해져 조금 안정을 찾으면서 한국음식이나 부모님과 친구들이 그리워 외로움을 느꼈습니다. 당연히 일본에서 많은 친구들을 사귀었지만, 코로나의 영향으로 인해 모국에 돌아가지 못하고 우울해지는 날이 많았기 때문입니다. 아무것도 하지 않고 핸드폰만 보고 있거나 식사를 건강하게 챙겨 먹지 못하거나 하여, 정신을 차리고 보니 이대로는 안 되겠다 싶은 생각이 들었습니다. 그래서 공부에 매진하여 나 자신을 찾아보자 결심했습니다. 저에게 있어서 별과의 수업은 새로움과 즐거움의 연속이었습니다. 수업에서는 다양한 생각과 가치관을 가진 친구들과 일본어로 대화를 나누고, 문화를 교류하도록 해주었습니다. 특히, 회화 수업의 경우 하나의 주제로 자신의 생각을 전달할 때, 생각하지 못했던 의견들을 들을 수 있어 제게 새로운 시각을 열어주었습니다. 모자란 저지만, 추천하는 공부 방법으로 폭넓게 여러 것을 보기 보다는 작은 것부터 반복하여 온전히 자신의 것으로 만드는게 중요하다고 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 한국어와 일본어는 어순도 같고, 닮아 있는 표현들이 많아서 비교하며 공부를 하다 보면 쉽게 공부에 빠져들어 집중할 수 있었습니다. 저는 장래에 콘텐츠를 기획, 제작하는 크리에이터가 되고 싶습니다. 국제학부에서 각국의 역사, 경제, 예술 등을 배워서 글로벌 세계에 맞춘 선한 영향력의 콘텐츠를 만들어내는 것이 목표입니다.