2021年度春学期の授業が対面式で始まりました。 | 国際交流 | ニュース一覧 | 拓殖大学



School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】The 2021 spring semester classes began with a face-to-face meeting. (From April 25 to May 11, classes will be temporarily switched to online classes due to the declaration of a state of emergency in Tokyo in response to the spread of COVID-19.


【English】School of Bekka of Takushoku University has started the spring semester with face-to-face classes in all subjects.(Currently, classes are temporarily online due to the expansion of COVID-19) The Bekka students are studying in classrooms located in a historic building surrounded by greenery and quiet, not unlike the hustle and bustle of a big city in Tokyo. We have started with five classes according to Japanese language ability, waiting for prospective international students who cannot enter Japan from overseas due to the expansion of COVID-19.


写真① 3密にならないように、机の間隔を広く開け、窓を開け、マスクをしての授業です。昼食は黙食し、手指消毒をして、感染症対策を徹底しています。

【English】A class scene: To avoid the "Three Cs (Closed spaces, Crowded places, and Close-contact settings)", the desks are widely spaced, windows are open, and masks are worn in class. Students eat lunch in silence and use hand sanitizer to prevent infections.


写真② 別科敷地の中庭:つつじの花が満開です。中庭のベンチで、別科生はくつろぎながらランチを食べ、休憩時間を過ごします。

【English】Courtyard at the Bekka site: The azaleas are in full bloom. On the benches in the courtyard, many of Bekka students relax, eat lunch, and/or have a break.

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写真③ 歴史的建造物:別科の授業が行われている拓殖大学国際教育会館は、東京大学安田講堂などを設計した内田祥三博士(東京大学元総長)により設計・建設されたものです(1933年竣工)。別科生は、この歴史的に由緒ある建物の中で、落ち着いて勉強ができます。

【English】A historical building: Takushoku University International Education Hall, where the Bekka classes are held, was designed and built in 1933 by Dr. UCHIDA Yoshikazu, former president of Tokyo Imperial University (now the University of Tokyo), who also designed the Yasuda Auditorium and General Library of the University of Tokyo. Bekka students can study in a quiet atmosphere in this historically important building.


写真④ 教室から望む拓殖大学文京キャンパスの本館:教室からは、青空と木々と東京のビル群が望めます。右奥に見えるレンガ色のビルが、拓殖大学文京キャンパスです。別科から徒歩5分のこの本館にある学生食堂で、別科生の多くがランチを食べます。また、別科の授業終了後や週末には図書館で夜遅くまで勉強をしています。

【English】Main buildings of Takushoku University Bunkyo Campus seen from the classroom: From the Bekka classrooms, you can see the blue sky, trees, and buildings in Tokyo, Japan. The brick-colored buildings on the far right are the main ones of Takushoku University Bunkyo Campus, a five-minute walk from the Bekka. Many of the Bekka students eat lunch at the cafeteria and study in the library after classes and on weekends until late at night there.