

【School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】Graduates of the Bekka in action #3

別科は、2022年度に開設50周年を迎えます。これまで多くの外国人留学生が別科を修了し、日本や世界で活躍しています。今日紹介する、リョウ シンズイさんもその一人です。

【English】The Bekka will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2022. Many international students have graduated from the Bekka and are now active in Japan and around the world. LIANG JINRUI introduced here is one of them.


Mr. LIANG JINRUI who answered the moderator's questions with a smile. (Photo by NPO Tadoku Supporters)
笑着回答主持人问题的梁津瑞 照片来源(NPO多语种多读)

リョウ シンズイさん
[梁 津瑞:中国出身・樹人高等中学校(Shuren Senior High School)卒業(中国)→別科(2021年修了)→拓殖大学商学部経営学科1年]





[LIANG JINRUI: from China, SHUREN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL graduate (China) → Bekka (2021 graduate) → Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Takushoku University, 1st year]

Mr. Liang Jinrui (from China), a first-year student in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Takushoku University, was invited as a guest speaker for the "Ask Extensive Readers" section of the 10th Extensive Reading Support Seminar (by NPO Tadoku Supporters) (held at ZOOM on July 31 and August 1), which was aimed at supporters of "extensive reading" learning, including English and Japanese.

He came to Japan in September 2019 and studied at Bekka for a year and a half. He liked the elective required course "Extensive Reading" and took it for two semesters. Initially, he chose this course only because of his curiosity about the subject he had never taken before, but he was hooked on the learning method, which involves reading easy Japanese books without using a dictionary, and reading only the books he likes. He found the book talk time in the latter half of the class especially meaningful and enjoyable. His theory is that if there is no book talk, there is no point in having "Extensive Reading" classes.

On the day of the seminar, there were nearly 100 participants from Japan and abroad. The five people invited as practitioners of multiple reading were: two Indian Japanese language teachers who have started an extensive reading circle, a Chinese who is a fourth year student at Digital Hollywood University and does extensive reading in English and Japanese, a Japanese working person who participates in the Korean and the English extensive reading courses of the NPO, and him, Mr. Liang. The moderator, Professor KATAYAMA Tomoko (The University of Tokyo), asked the participants six questions about their memorable books and the role of supporters in extensive reading. There were also questions from the participants. Although he started learning from the introductory class of the Bekka course only two years ago, he answered each question in detail. He said that even now, as an undergraduate student, he still finds the extensive reading method he learned in the Bekka course useful when reading materials for reports and when taking notes in lectures.

The following are his impressions of the event as a guest speaker." It was a very important experience for me to participate in this event. I think the reason why the language skills of the practitioners are so high is because of reading a lot. I am still immature in learning Japanese. I will continue to read more, learn more about Japanese culture, develop more language skills, and accumulate more experience so that I can make a good presentation and get a job in the future."

[梁津瑞:梁津瑞:中华人民共和国 树人高等中学→别科(2021年毕业)现就读于拓殖大学商学部经营学科1年级]




我们还采访了他参加此次活动由的感受。 他说:感谢老师邀请我参加多读研讨会,这是一次很难得的机会,通过这次活动对多读多了很多新的感悟。和其他的经验者们的会话能力相比我还不够成熟,从今往后我要继续锻炼自己的日语能力,为将来步入社会积累经验。