

【School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】The 2022 Certificate Conferral Ceremony (spring semester) was held.

8月25日(木)、拓殖大学文京キャンパス国際教育会館(F館)F301教室にて、別科 日本語教育課程の修了証書授与式(春学期)が行われました。井上治別科長からは、世界的なコロナウイルスのパンデミックの中での修学となり、学生のみなさんには大変でしたが、このような経験を今後活かしていくよう激励を込めた告辞が送られました。修了生からは、別科の先生や関係者への感謝が述べられました。今回修了式を挙行するにあたっては、新型コロナウイルス感染防止への十分な対策に努め、無事開催することができました。

On Thursday, August 25, the Certificate Conferral Ceremony for the spring semester of the Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program, was held in Room F301 of the International Education Center (F Building) at the Bunkyo Campus of Takushoku University. The Dean of the Bekka, INOUE Osamu, gave a speech of encouragement to the students, saying, "All of you have gone through a great deal of hardship in completing your studies during the global coronavirus pandemic, and it is important for you to make use of such experiences in the future." The graduating student expressed his gratitude to his teachers and others involved in the program. In holding the graduation ceremony this time, adequate measures were taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, and the ceremony managed to be held.


[Photo1: Dean Inoue presents a certificate of graduation.]


[Photo 2: A commemorative photo with teachers and others involved]

[For the commemorative photo, the mask is removed only when the photo is taken, taking social distance into consideration.]