【Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】Education and Study: A presentation on qualitative research methodology (TEM/TLMG analysis) was given at the first conference of "Japanese Association of TEA and Qualitative Inquiry (JATQ)".
『TEAと質的探究学会』第1回大会会員企画シンポジウム(10月2日ZOOM)で、豊田香別科特任講師が、自己意識変容を記述する『TEM(Trajectory Equifinality Modeling)とTLMG(Three Layers Model of Genesis)を融合させる分析手法の考察』について企画・発表しました。異文化接触により留学生が心理的変容を起こすなど、自己意識変容が起きる際のプロセスを記述する手法が考察されました。学際的な視点から多くの質問が寄せられ関心の高さが感じられました。
At the member-planned symposium of the first conference of JATQ (ZOOM, Oct. 2), TOYODA Kaori, specially-appointed lecturer at Bekka, planned and presented 'A Consideration of Analytical Methods to Integrate TEM (Trajectory Equifinality Modeling) and TLMG (Three Layers Model of Genesis).' The discussion about describing the process of transformation of self-consciousness, such as the psychological transformation of international students through cross-cultural contact indicated a high level of interest and many questions were asked from an interdisciplinary perspective.
*TEA: Trajectory Equifinality Approach (複線径路等至性アプローチ)