『Power in Contemporary Japan』浅野正彦(政経学部教授)共著
Power in Contemporary Japan
■ 内容
■ 目次
1 Power and Change (Gill Steel and Marie Thorsten)
Part I Learning About Power
2 Contesting Children's Citizenship Education:
What Should Japanese Children Know? (Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak)
3 Political Socialization (Gill Steel)
Part II Power in and Over the Family
4 Negotiating Technology Use in Families (Mito Akiyoshi)
5 Who Does the Dishes? Fairness and Household Chores (Mayumi Nakamura and Mito Akiyoshi)
6 Power over Family Policy: Governing of or Governing through Individuals (Hiroko Takeda)
7 Creating Community at Daycare: Deflecting the Power of the State (Gregory S. Poole)
Part III Power in Society and in the Workplace
8 Workers and Unions (Jun Imai)
9 Examining Power in Hierarchical Social Networks in East Asia (Ken'ichi Ikeda and Keisuke Takemoto)
10 The Gender Triad: Men, Women, and Corporations (Yuko Ogasawara)
Part IV Political Power
11 Who--If Anyone--Is in Charge? Evolving Discourses of Political Power and Bureaucratic Delegation in Postwar Japanese Policymaking (Gregory W. Noble)
12 Holding on to Power: Politicians and Reelection (Masahiko Asano and Dennis Patterson)
13 Selling the Idea of Local Power: Decentralization Reforms Since the 1990s (Ken Victor Leonard Hijino)
14 Soft-Hard Power Convergence and Democracy in Abe's Japan (Marie Thorsten)

Palgrave Macmillan

拓殖大学政経学部教授。1989年早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科修士課程修了。2000年カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校 (UCLA) 大学院博士課程修了。
2004年政治学博士 (Ph.D.in Political Science)。東京大学社会科学研究所助手を経て、2006年4月より現職。専門は比較政治学および政治学的方法論。
主たる著作に『市民社会における制度改革・・・選挙制度改革と候補者リクルート』(慶應義塾大学会 2006年5月)、『Stataによる計量政治学』(オーム社 2013年3月)、Masahiko Asano and Bryce Wakefield. 2009. “Political Market-Orientation in Japan.” (In) Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Chris Rudd & Jesper Strömbäck (Eds.) Global Political Marketing (Routridge, 2009)、その他。