【School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】 2022 Distinctive Educational Activities ⑥:The Bekka Speech Contest 2022 was held.



[English] On Thursday, December 15, the Intensive Japanese Language Program, Bekka, held a speech contest in Room C406. This speech contest is usually held in December as an opportunity for students to present the results of their Japanese language studies during the year. Eleven contestants from six classes participated in the contest, and were enthusiastically guided by the teachers in charge of "Conversation" in each class. The judges were the faculty members in charge of the class seminars, who focused on the important points of the speeches, such as the content and manner of presentation. The students received generous applause not only from the Bekka students, but also from the teachers and staff, as well as from the Bekka SA students and Bekka graduates who came to support the students between classes.

[Korean] 12월 15일(목), 별과 일본어 교육과정에서 스피치 대회를 실시했습니다. 이 스피치 대회는, 예년 12월에, 별과 일본어 교육 과정에 있어서 그 연도의 일본어 학습 성과 발표의 장소로서 개최하고 있습니다.6개 학급에서 11명의 참가자가 참가하여 각 반의 '회화' 수업 담당 선생님들께서 열심히 지도해 주셨습니다. 심사위원은, 클래스 세미나를 담당하는 학부의 교수님들로 발표의 내용이나 방법 등과 같은 스피치에 중요한 요점에 주목했습니다. 별과생은 물론, 선생님들이나 직원분들, 수업 중간에 응원하러 온 별과 SA의 학생 그리고 별과 수료생들로 부터 아낌없는 박수가 보내졌습니다.

[Spanish] El jueves 15 de diciembre, el Programa Intensivo de Idioma Japonés, Bekka, realizó un concurso de oratoria. Este concurso generalmente se lleva a cabo en diciembre como una oportunidad para que los estudiantes presenten los resultados de sus estudios del idioma japonés durante el año. Once concursantes de seis clases participaron en el concurso, y fueron guiados con entusiasmo por los profesores a cargo de la clase de "Conversación". Los jueces fueron los miembros de la facultad a cargo de los seminarios de clase, quienes se enfocaron en los puntos importantes de los discursos, como el contenido y la forma de presentación. Los estudiantes recibieron generosos aplausos no solo de los estudiantes de Bekka, sino también de los maestros y el personal, así como de los estudiantes asistentes y los graduados de Bekka que vinieron a apoyar a los estudiantes entre clases.

[Inodonesian] Pada Kamis, 15 Desember, Program Intensif Bahasa Jepang Bekka mengadakan lomba pidato. Lomba pidato ini biasanya diadakan pada bulan Desember sebagai kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mempresentasikan hasil belajar bahasa Jepang mereka selama setahun. Sebelas kontestan dari enam kelas mengikuti lomba tersebut, dan dipandu secara antusias oleh guru-guru yang bertanggung jawab atas pembelajaran "Percakapan" di setiap kelas. Para juri adalah dosen yang bertanggung jawab atas seminar kelas, yang berfokus pada poin-poin penting dari pidato tersebut, seperti isi dan cara penyampaiannya. Para siswa mendapat tepuk tangan meriah tidak hanya dari siswa Bekka, tetapi juga dari para guru dan staf, serta dari siswa SA Bekka dan lulusan Bekka yang datang untuk mendukung para siswa.

[Chinese] 12月5日周四,在拓殖大学别科举行了一场演讲比赛。这个演讲比赛作为学生们展示一年来日语学习成果的机会,在每年12月份举行。来自6个班级的11名选手,在各班负责"会话课"的老师的热情指导下,参加并完成了比赛。负责评委工作的是班级研讨会的老师们,他们着重关注演讲者所发表的内容和表达方式,对选手的演讲进行了评判。最后,参加者们精彩的演讲不但赢得了台下同学们以及老师和评委们的热烈掌声,甚至吸引了在课间休息的本科SA的学生和别科的毕业生们的围观和应援。

Prizewinners ((1) Title, (2) Contents, (3) Lessons learned, (4) Comments)


Grand Prize: CHOI SEUNGHEE (Korea)


1) "My Dreams as a Child and the Dreams of Children"
2)I talked about my childhood dreams and talked about the dreams of past and present children.
3)I was able to learn about Japanese accent and pronunciation.
4)I was not confident at first to give a speech in Japanese, which I had never done even in my native language. However, with the help of the teachers, I was able to give a natural speech in Japanese. Moreover, with the support of my friends, I could deliver my speech with confidence. I am glad that I participated in the speech contest because it was an important experience for me.

1)어렸을 적의 꿈과 아이들의 꿈
2)저의 어렸을 적 꿈에 대해서 이야기하고 옛날 아이들의 꿈과 현재 아이들의 꿈에 대해서 이야기합니다.
3)일본어의 악센트와 발음에 대해서 배웠습니다.
4)모국어로도 해본 적 없는 스피치를 일본어로 하는 것이 처음에는 자신이 없었습니다. 그래도 선생님의 도움으로 자연스러운 일본어 스피치를 할 수 있었습니다. 또한 친구들의 응원으로 자신 있는 스피치를 할 수 있었습니다. 스피치 대회는 소중한 경험이 되었으므로 스피치 대회에 참가한 것은 다행이라고 생각합니다.

  • Award of Excellence:MENDEZ VARGAS PAULINA (Mexico)

1) "Japanese Product Design and Me"
2) I talked about how I got interested in Japan and my dreams for the future.
3)With the help of my teachers, I was able to improve my Japanese pronunciation.
4) I am glad to have been able to participate in the speech contest. It is difficult to give a speech in Spanish because I am very nervous, but my teachers helped me in Japanese and gave me confidence.

1)Diseño de Producto Japonés y yo
2)Hablé sobre cómo me interesé en Japón y sobre mis sueños para el futuro.
Aprendí a mejorar mi pronunciación en japonés con ayuda de mi profesora.
4)Estoy feliz de haber participado en el concurso de discurso. En español para mi es difícil hacer discursos, ya que me pongo muy nerviosa, pero en japonés la profesora Tamaki me ayudó y me dio confianza.

The Jury's Special Award: MUHAMMAD ELIAN SIHITE (Indonesia)

1) "Graduation Trip"
2) My speech is about my graduation trip to Japan and my favorite place in the trip.
3) I learned a new way to give a speech because the manner and intonation of Japanese speech and Indonesian speech are very different.
4) I am very thankful to the teachers who helped me to practice my speech. I made a speech in Japanese for the first time in this speech contest. I practiced every day so that I would not make mistakes during my speech. It was difficult and hard, but I had a lot of fun during the preparation and the speech contest. And I was very happy to receive a special award.

1) "Pariwisata Kelulusan SMA"
2) Pidato saya itu tentang perjalanan kelulusan saya ke Jepang dan tempat-tempat favorit saya dalam perjalanan itu.
3) Saya belajar cara baru dalam penyampaian pidato karena cara penyampain pidato dalam bahasa jepang sangatlah berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia.
4) Pertama-tama saya ingin berterima kasih kepada para guru yang telah membantu saya dalam mempersiapkan lomba pidato ini. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya berpidato dalam Bahasa Jepang. Saya berlatih hampir setiap hari agar tidak membuat kesalahan pada saat waktu berpidato. Tentu sulit dan melelahkan, namun saya sangat menikmati waktu saya saat latihan dan pada saat berpidato. Saya juga sangat senang karena pidato saya menerima Penghargaan Khusus.

  • The Jury's Special Award: ZHOU CHAO (China)

1)"A Letter to Myself 10 Years from Now"
29I decided to write a letter to myself 10 years from now about the problems I have been having since I came to Japan to study. First of all, listening and speaking were concerns. Next, I worried about my career path. Finally, I had a hard time living alone in Japan. After thinking it over, I realized my true intention and my original intention of studying in Japan and decided to enjoy my study and life in Japan without being troubled by these worries. I finally made peace with my troubled self. I would like my 10 years later self to remember and appreciate these feelings.
3)The experience itself is an important one.
4)During my six months of study at Bekka at Takushoku University, I was able to improve my Japanese language skills unconsciously thanks to the excellent and kind teachers. After all, the best way to learn is to keep working hard for a long time.

4)中国語 在拓殖大学别科学习的这半年中,感恩各位优秀而亲切的老师们,我的日语水平在不知不觉中提升了。果然,不间断的持续努力才是最好的学习方法。


Presenters and moderators
Front row, from left, MUHAMMAD ELIAN SIHITE (Indonesia), ZHOU CHAO (China), CHOI SEUNGHE (Korea), MENDEZ VARGAS PAULINA (Mexico), ZEFANYA GABTIELLA (Indonesia), ZHANG XINYI (China), back row, from left, KIM JISUNG (Korea), PANKOKKOR JANSUDA (Thailand), MAHBUB TRISHA (Bangladesh), CHAW MYAT HAY THI (Myanmar), NGUTEN HONG CHAU (Vietnam), YUNIAH (Indonesia), HANA NUR SABRINA (Indonesia), PAN YUCHEN (China), YANG CHIEN HUNG (Taiwan)