

【School of Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program】2022 Distinctive Educational Activities ②:A Tanabata party was held.


【English】On July 7, the day of Tanabata (Star Festival), a Tanabata party was held using class seminar time. It is a custom during the Tanabata Festival to write wishes on strips of paper and hang them on bamboo branches. Bekka students learned about the history and meaning of this custom in class seminar, and made Tanabata decorations such as origami cranes and drawstrings while communicating in Japanese with Bekka student assistant, undergraduate students. The students earnestly folded origami papers, wrote their wishes in Japanese, and enjoyed decorating with their friends. Although they had to wear masks during the event, each class of Bekka students was able to spend a pleasant time together.

別科スチューデントアシスタントは、毎週木曜日のクラスゼミや別科行事の際に、クラス担任や別科生のサポートをしつつ別科生と交流する拓殖大学学部生です。(拓殖大学別科公式ボランティア活動)[Bekka Student Assistants are Takushoku University undergraduate students who interact with Bekka students by assisting class teachers and Bekka students during class seminars and events held every Thursday. (Official volunteer activities of the Bekka, Takushoku University)]

[Spring semester 2022, Bekka students, SA students, and class teachers in class 1 to 6]


1組[class 1]


2組[class 2]


3組[class 3]


4組[class 4]


5組[class 5]


6組[class 6]

Masks were removed only for the commemorative photo to prevent corona infection.