別科 日本語教育課程の特色
POINT1 選べる学習期間
Choice of study period
「春入学」、「秋入学」から1年間学習する基本コース、希望により更に学習期間を延長 (6ヵ月毎)するコースがあります。[最長2年間]
The basic course of the Bekka is a one-year course starting in " Spring Admission" or " Autumn Admission". Bekka students can extend the course (every 6 months) if they wish [Maximum 2 years.]
POINT2 授業料は年2回払い
Payment of tuition twice a year
授業料は年2回(4月・9月)の支払いです。 また別科独自の奨学金があり、申込をした学生の別科成績等をもとに書類・面接選考を経て、選ばれた学生に奨学金を支給しています。(支給金額15万円)
Tuition is to be paid in two installments per year (in April and September). Moreover, the Bekka has its own scholarship program, and students who apply for it are selected through a document and interview screening process based on their Bekka results (Amount of scholarship: 150,000 yen.)
POINT3 目的に合った進路指導
Career guidance that meets students' objectives
Divided into classes according to their Japanese language ability to promote learning appropriate to their level of proficiency, Bekka students are provided with career guidance that meets their needs, such as preparation for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and English qualification exams (required for entrance examinations for national, public or private universities and graduate schools.)
POINT4 大学の設備も使用できる
University facilities available for use
As a member of Takushoku University, Bekka students have access to the same university facilities as undergraduate students, including the library, the PC room, student cafeterias, the medical office, and the international student dormitory (for women) near the campus. Students can also take some undergraduate courses.
POINT5 日本人を含めた学部生と交流できる
Interaction with undergraduate students, including Japanese
Bekka students can interact with undergraduate students (Bekka Student Assistants) on a regular basis. They will support Bekka students in their student life in Japan.
POINT6 学部・大学院への進学に有利
Advantageous to enter undergraduate and graduate schools
If a Bekka student is allowed to transfers to Takushoku University or is recommended for admission, the entrance fee will be reduced. In addition, students who acquire Japanese language skills in the Bekka program will be able to understand undergraduate and graduate classes more easily because of the quality of education.
POINT7 キャンパスは東京の中心地
Campus located in the center of Tokyo
最寄り駅は、東京メトロ(丸ノ内線)茗荷谷駅(徒歩約3分)。池袋から約5分、新宿・渋谷・秋葉原から約20分、拓殖大学 商学部・政経学部と同じキャンパスです。校舎は、東洋風の外観が特徴的な旧外務省研修所の歴史ある建物です。
The nearest station is Myogadani Station (a 3-minute walk) on the Tokyo Metro (Marunouchi Line), about 5 minutes from Ikebukuro and about 20 minutes from Shinjuku, Shibuya, or Akihabara stations. Located on the same Bunkyo campus as the Faculty of Commerce and the Faculty of Political Science and Economics of Takushoku University, the school building of the Bekka is a historical building of the former training institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a distinctive oriental appearance.
POINT8 クラス担任による細やかなケア
Detailed care by class teachers
Immediately after entering the school, Bekka students are placed in class seminars according to their level of Japanese proficiency, and are provided with detailed consultation on student life and study, as well as career guidance by class teachers.
POINT9 教員は各分野の専門家
Specialized faculty in various fields
The teachers of the Bekka program are those who teach at universities and graduate schools on a daily basis, so they are well versed in Japanese required at the academic level. In addition, the curriculum is based on the latest teaching methods, allowing Bekka students to take effective Japanese classes (kanji study methods, extensive reading methods, etc.).
POINT10 日本文化を体験
Experiencing Japanese Culture
Bekka students can experience Japanese culture through annual events such as the Tanabata Party in the classroom, Extracurricular Programs, Study Tour for two days and one night, etc.