2023 Distinctive Educational Activities ⑦:The class-exchange party was held.
On Thursday, January 25, the Bekka, Intensive Japanese Language Program, held the class-exchange party in the Bunkyo Campus (Tokyo). The purpose of the party was to deepen friendship as a whole by having Bekka students and Bekka SAs plan and present a program for each class as a summary of the Bekka class seminars. This year, the students were divided into three groups (classes 1 and 2, 3 and 5, and 4 and 6) to exchanges between the two classes. Students in each class presented "Song," "Musical Performance," "Quiz," and so on. In games organized by the Bekka SA, all the participants enjoyed themselves. Not only Bekka students, but also Bekka SAs, teachers, and staff had a great time together.
Japanese version article

Scene of class 1 & 2
Scene of class 3 & 5
Scene of class 4 & 6
〇リンク先:別科スチューデント・アシスタント[Bekka Student Assistant]
- International Affairs Division, Bekka Office(BUNKYO CAMPUS)
- TEL 03-3947-8079 FAX 03-3947-8017
- bekka@ofc.takushoku-u.ac.jp
- Intensive Japanese Language Program Home Page